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pyOpenSci Meeting Notes - 1 August 2019#


Please add your name to the list below!

  • Leah Wasser - Earth Lab!

  • Filipe Fernandes - NOAA/IOOS

  • Daniel Chen - Virginia Tech + RStudio intern @chendaniely

  • Chris Holdgraf - UC Berkeley - @choldgraf

  • Ivan Ogasawara - SciPy Latin America Community - @xmnlab

  • Mike Trizna - Smithsonian Institution - @miketrizna

  • Jenny Palomino - CU Boulder Earth Lab @jlpalomino


  • BoF Overview!

    • ~35 people in attendance

  • First package NBLESS submitted and approved!

  • Current reviews

    • View completed Nbless submission

    • Check in on errdapy review & earthpy reviews

      • Leah to check in with Luiz about earthpy review

      • Updated review of erddapy by Chris and Jenny complete

  • Add your github name to be added to the pyOpenSci repo here

  • Social media check-in??

    • give multiple people to pyOpenSci for the time being

      • twitter bot to retweet @pyopensci

    • Send credentials to:

      • Chris

      • Martin

  • Website

  • Create design repository in the org – and place the images and branding items in it!! (leah can do this as well)

  • Funding

    • pyOpenSci – working draft of 2-3 pager

    • IDEA – fund a fellowship position that works full time?? or focuses on this organization

      • hire them as a contractor – could be remote, etc

    • Martin, Daniel, and Mike are both in DC area – NIH (National Institute of Health)

    • Leah to followup with nunmfocus about sponsorship

  • Agu event potentially?? Open source software session presentation

    • Leo — ask about something associated with the plenary or something else!!

  • other topics??