pyOpenSci Meeting Notes - 1 August 2019#
Please add your name to the list below!
Leah Wasser - EarthLab
Filipe Fernandes - NOAA/IOOS
Daniel Chen - Virginia Tech + RStudio intern @chendaniely
Chris Holdgraf - UC Berkeley - @choldgraf
Ivan Ogasawara - SciPy Latin America Community - @xmnlab
Mike Trizna - Smithsonian Institution - @miketrizna
Jenny Palomino - CU Boulder Earth Lab @jlpalomino
BoF Overview!
~35 people in attendance
First package NBLESS submitted and approved!
Vote on a badge on discourse!! (+)
Badge vote please
Current reviews
Check in on errdapy review & earthpy reviews
Leah to check in with Luiz about earthpy review
Updated review of erddapy by Chris and Jenny complete
Add your github name to be added to the pyOpenSci repo here
Check the People page for a status of public
Social media check-in??
give multiple people to pyOpenSci for the time being
twitter bot to retweet @pyopensci
Send credentials to:
who’s involved – generate this programmatically? pull from the list of anyone in the organization – someone would have to build this - twitter api / travis – They do this for jupyter hub ..
Chris might be able to copy over what jupyter hub does – read the docs will build it
Following the all contributors specs!! – Chris can work on that next
Website – links that take you to a github search that filters by tag! – easy quick (Leah can add this!)
in the future, we can automate this
Create a design repository in the org – and place the images and branding items in it!! (leah can do this as well)
pyopensci – working draft of 2-3 pager
IDEA – fund a fellowship position that works full time?? or focuses on this organization
hire them as a contractor – could be remote, etc
Martin, Daniel, and Mike are both in DC area – NIH (National Institute of Health)
workshop on packaging your project – to get more exposure
partnership with Carpentries would be good
other existing online resources: Molecular Sciences Software Institute (MolSSI) materials
Martin - organizer for a local meetup
Stats Programming DC:
Leah to followup with NumFOCUS about sponsorship
Agu event potentially?? Open source software session presentation
Leo — ask about something associated with the plenary or something else!!
other topics??