Submit Your Python Package for Peer Review - Learn More!

Meeting Notes - 16 Nov 2018#


  • Chris Holdgraf

  • Leah Wasser

  • Max Joseph

  • Jenny Palomino

Agenda Items#

  • GRA spring 2019 hire!

    • identify a few packages that would be willing to be the first to work on this; get some package maintainers on board

    • collect some data on state of Python for scientists

    • draft of review process

  • Inviting others to join (Matt Perry? GeoPandas - Joris or James or both)

    • having a more final version of the scope document would be helpful for this

    • have a meeting with rOpenSci and adopt their structure, so we can present this formally to interested parties

    • we can start with that and then reach out to people to find editors and package reviewers

      • We know rOpenSci has an onboarding process – and we will need to identify editors

      • GRA Task: get him to work on the onboarding process as derive from Ropensci

  • Everyone should review the relevant documentation from rOpenSci and then we should have a meeting with Karthik and Carl

    • Relevant docs from rOpenSci:

      • Repository that contains the package review etc. (see issues)

      • Repository that contains the information on how to package libraries, review, edit, etc.:

    • Potentially ask them to serve on a advisory board

  • Scoping out the code review for the spring that our gra will work on and what the paper will look like generally (to ensure we collect the right data)

  • Brainstorm funding opportunities

    • Kek 1 pager (I don’t have high hopes for it but it’s worth formalizing our ideas to use for other opportunities)

    • Sloan, more, mozilla, others??

    • Budget should include some funded leadership

      • rOpenSci has 3 funded developers and a position that organizes and mobilizes the community

      • sustainability needs to be in mind early on

Next Steps#

Fall 2018 Tasks#

  • [ ] Meeting with Carl and Karthik - suggest if they’d like to be on our board – Leah will email Carl and Karthik –

  • [ ] Grab pyopenscience twitter ??

Spring 2019 Tasks#

  • [ ] GRA – could convert the R docs dev, testing, etc?? to jupyter books implementation