Command Line Reference Guide#


What these tables are: These tables summarize the command line inputs (e.g., pipx install hatch, hatch build) necessary to complete all steps in the package creation process, from installing Hatch to publishing the package on PyPI and conda-forge.

What these tables are not: These tables do not cover the manual/non-automated steps (e.g., create PyPI account, create PyPI API token) you have to complete throughout the package creation process.

Operating system note: The current iteration of this guide has been tested on the Windows OS only. Many commands are Windows-specific. OS-specific commands are indicated with parentheses after the description of the command, e.g., [COMMAND_DESCRIPTION] (Windows). Corresponding commands for macOS and Linux will be added in the future.

Environment Setup#



Set PowerShell execution policy (Windows)

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser

Install Scoop (Windows)

Invoke-RestMethod -Uri | Invoke-Expression

Add “main” bucket as download source (Windows)

scoop bucket add main

Add “versions” bucket as download source (Windows)

scoop bucket add versions

Install pipx (Windows)

scoop install pipx or scoop install main/pipx

Update PATH variable with pipx directory

pipx ensurepath

Install hatch

pipx install hatch or pip install hatch

List hatch commands

hatch -h

Open location of hatch config file

hatch config explore

Print contents of hatch config file

hatch config show

Install grayskull

pipx install grayskull or pip install grayskull

Package Development#



Create package structure and baseline contents

hatch new [PACKAGE_NAME]

Install package locally in editable mode

python -m pip install -e .

Install development dependencies

python -m pip install ".[DEPENDENCY_GROUP]"

List packages installed in current environment

pip list

Install package from GitHub

pip install git+

Create development environment

hatch env create

Activate development environment

hatch shell

Exit development environment


Package Publishing#



Build package sdist and wheel distributions

hatch build

Publish package to Test PyPI

hatch publish -r test

Install package from Test PyPI

pip install -i [PACKAGE_NAME]

Publish package to PyPI

hatch publish

Install package from PyPI

pip install -i [PACKAGE_NAME]

Create conda-forge recipe

grayskull pypi [PACKAGE_NAME]

Check that package installs properly

pip check

Install package from conda-forge

conda install -c conda-forge [PACKAGE_NAME]

Versions and Environments#



View environments

hatch env show

Print path to active hatch environment

hatch env find

Bump package version - major

hatch version major

Bump package version - minor

hatch version minor

Bump package version - patch

hatch version patch

Run test scripts on multiple Python versions

hatch run all:[SCRIPT_NAME]