pyOpenSci Contributor Metrics

All contributions to date

The plot below shows the total contributions to pyOpenSci. To create this plot we:

  1. Removed any contributions from bots
  2. Stratified the data to show both staff contributions vs. non-staff contributions.

Staff vs. volunteer pull request and issue contributions

Non-staff contributions grow between May and August, covering Q3 and Q4 when we travel to meetings such as SciPy and PyCon and host events. Q4 is typically slower, given the holiday season.

name location date_added packages_reviewed packages_eic packages_editor editor maintainer
0 lwasser United States 2019-10-10 0 0 5 False True
1 tracykteal NaN 2022-11-09 0 0 0 False False
2 kcranston Ottawa, ON 2022-11-09 0 0 0 False False
3 kierisi NaN 2023-11-21 0 0 0 False False
4 willingc San Diego 2023-03-01 1 0 0 False False

  • 87 People have served as a reviewer for pyOpenSci
  • 20 People have served as an editor for pyOpenSci
  • 4 People have served as eic for pyOpenSci

Note: we are updating old reviews with eic information so this number is lower than it should be

To date, {eval}total_contribs people have contributed to pyOpenSci

Contributors over time

Above we calculate issues and prs to pyOpenSci over time. Here we look at new contributors over time