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pyOpenSci GitHub issue process#

When possible, GitHub pull requests, issue submissions, and reviews should follow standard open source workflows. Below are guidelines for handling issues in the pyOpenSci GitHub organization.

Guidelines for new issues#

Issues should be as specific as possible: Specificity within an issue helps both our future selves and outside contributors understand the goal or desired outcome associated with addressing the issue. This is important both internally and for issues tagged as help-wanted, which we hope community members will address in pyOpenSci sprints.

To ensure an issue is well-written and specific, include the following details:

  • Clear title: A concise and descriptive title summarizing the issue or feature request helps us scan through issues and understand what each issue is about. Below are some example titles that are specific:

    • Bug: broken link in link-to-page-here / name of page / document etc

    • Fix: confusing paragraph on Python packaging with Hatch

    • Add: page on using pixi for dependencies

  • Description: A detailed explanation of the issue or feature request, including context, background information, and the reason for the request. Explain why the issue is important and what problem it solves.

  • Screenshots/code samples: Include screenshots, code snippets, links, or any other relevant files that can help others in understanding the issue better.

  • Possible solutions/recommendations: It’s helpful to provide any ideas or suggestions for how to address the issue, which can help guide contributors towards a solution.

  • Related issues or pull requests: Add references to any related issues or pull requests, which provides additional context and understanding of the broader scope of the issue.

If you are reporting a code bug#

  • Steps to reproduce (for bugs): A step-by-step guide (generally a list or narrative) on how to reproduce the issue, including relevant code snippets, commands, or configurations.

  • Expected vs. actual behavior (for bugs): A description of what you expected to happen and what actually happened. This helps in understanding the discrepancy and the impact of the bug.

  • Environment details (for bugs): Details about the environment where the issue was observed, such as operating system, Python version, library versions, and any other relevant software/hardware details.

If you have permissions, label the issue#

While outside contributors will not have permission to label issues, pyOpenSci core team members and volunteers will. Be sure to add appropriate labels to issues to make them easier to triage.

Help-wanted / sprintable issues#

If an issue is something that anyone in the community could potentially address, it’s ideal to label the issue with help-wanted and/or sprintable. A sprintable issue refers to an issue that could be completed or worked on during a 1-2 day sprint, thus it should be smaller and more confined in scope. A help-wanted issue is one that anyone is welcome to work on during whatever time they have available.

Once the help-wanted or sprintable issue label is added, the issue will be automatically added to our pyOpenSci help-wanted board. This automation is implemented currently for a single repository (the packaging guide), but we plan to implement it for other repositories using the add-to-project GitHub action.


The issue will be archived from the project board once it is closed.

If an issue is unclear, a pyOpenSci staff member or designated community member can ask the issue author to provide more information.

Issue maintenance#

Our goal at pyOpenSci is to keep our list of issues current and active. Quarterly issue cleanup sessions are implemented to ensure issues are either being actively addressed or to assess whether older or stale issues can potentially be closed.