
How to cite pyOpenSci

pyOpenSci doesn’t yet have an organization-level citation, but all of our resources and GitHub repositories are citable. To find a citation for a specific pyOpenSci resource, go to the repository in our GitHub organization and look at the top of the README.md file.

Zenodo is a general-purpose research repository where anyone can publish outputs and receive a citable DOI (digital object identifier).

pyOpenSci uses Zenodo to create citable entries for:

  • GitHub software repositories

  • Presentations by pyOpenSci staff and community members

  • Online educational resources, like our Packaging guide

For GitHub repositories, pyOpenSci includes a Zenodo citation badge at the top of the README file, linking directly to the citation page. pyOpenSci also encourages all its software packages to use Zenodo to create a DOI for their Python packages.

When major updates are made to resources, such as the Packaging guide, pyOpenSci creates a new release. Zenodo then generates an updated DOI specific to that release, allowing users to cite the latest version.

pyOpenSci Zenodo Community#

pyOpenSci maintains a community group on Zenodo where both staff and community members can share content related to pyOpenSci, including presentations, blog posts, open education resources, software, and other materials. This allows contributors to receive a citable DOI while retaining ownership of their submissions.

The pyOpenSci Zenodo community is moderated by pyOpenSci staff, who review and approve all suggested additions to ensure relevance and quality.