Clone a GitHub Repository to Work Locally#

How to clone a repo.

Clone a repo: copy files From to your computer#

To work locally with a GitHub repository (including forked repos), you must create a local copy of that repository on your computer (a task referred to as cloning a repo). You can clone GitHub repositories that you own or that are owned by others (e.g., repositories that you have forked to your GitHub account).

In either case, cloning allows you to create a local copy of a GitHub repository to work with the files locally on your computer. Cloning a repository to your computer is a great way to work on your files locally while still having a copy of your files on the cloud on Following the steps below, you will use the git clone command in the terminal to clone GitHub repositories.

Use Bash to Change to Your Desired Working Directory#

The first step to using any git command is changing the current working directory to your desired one. In the case of git clone, the current working directory needs to be where you want to download a local copy of a GitHub repository.

For this lesson, you will clone a repo locally on your computer (or wherever you work).

Copy a Repository URL From

To run the git clone command, you need the URL for the repository you want to clone (i.e., either a repository owned by you or a fork you created from another user’s repository).

On the main page of the repository, you can click on the green button for Clone or download, and copy the URL provided in the box, which will look like this:


You can copy the URL directly from your web browser, or in some cases, you might already know the URL. However, in many cases, you will come across a new repository on your own and will need to follow these instructions to copy the URL for future use.

Run the git clone in the shell#

Now that you have the URL for a repository that you want to copy locally, you can use the terminal to run the git clone command followed by the URL that you copied:

git clone

You have now made a local copy of a repository. You can double-check that the directory exists using the ls command in the terminal.

$ ls     

Challenge - Fork and Clone a Repository

Go to and login. Then use the link below to open the repo-name repo.

  • On the main page of this repository, you will see a button on the top right that says Fork. The number next to Fork tells the number of times that the repository has been copied or forked.

  • Click on the Fork button and select your account as the home of the forked repository.

  • Once you have forked a repository, you will have a copy (or a fork) of that repository in your GitHub account. The URL to your fork will contain your username:

  • Finally, clone the fork that you created above so you have a copy of all the files on on your local computer.

To make sure you did things right, in bash, cd to the repo-name directory on your computer. Type:

$ git remote -v

The paths returned should look something like this: