Our pyOpenSci Community
pyOpenSci has one core paid staff member who leads the organization. We are supported by an expert team of volunteer advisory members who help steer the direction of the organization.
Executive council, leadership & staff
PyOpenSci advisory council
pyOpenSci advisory council members are volunteer experts in the scientific Python open source space who provide high-level guidance on the development of the organization.
Carol Willing
Willing Consulting
Neil Chue Hong
Chris Holdgraf
UC Berkeley
Inessa Pawson
Pradyun Gedam
@bloomberg Python Infrastructure
Yuvi Panda
Ivan Ogasawara
Emeritus advisory council
We are grateful for the time that these community members spent on our advisory council.
Leonardo Uieda
University of Liverpool
Lindsey Heagy
@simpeg, @geoscixyz, @ubcgif, @2i2c_org
PyOpenSci community contributors
pyOpenSci has a diverse and vibrant community of pythonistas! To date, 306 wonderful people have contributed to pyOpenSci.
Travis L.
Idaho National Laboratory
Joanna Piper Morgan
Oregon State University
Madicken Munk
Nadia Dencheva
Space Telescope Science Institute
Agriya Khetarpal
Matthew West
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Nicole Riemer
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Jeffrey Curtis
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Simon O'Meara
National Centre for Atmospheric Science, University of Manchester
Matt Craig
Minnesota State University Moorhead
Aarya Patil
Max Planck Institute for Astronomy
Jayaram Kancherla
Ammar Aziz
Victorian Infectious Disease Reference Laboratory (VIDRL)
Guillaume Lemaitre
Open-source engineer @probabl-ai
Seth Michael Larson
Santiago Soler
@fatiando @simpeg @ubcgif @compgeolab @GeoLatinas
Giovanni Saraceno
University of Padova
Avik Basu
Frank Male
Penn State University
Mason Ng
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Daniela Huppenkothen
SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research
Melissa Weber Mendonça
Tetsuo Koyama
Elise Hinman
Revathy Venugopal
Roberto Pastor Muela
Iris Young
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Tom Aldcroft
Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian
Gabriel Stefanini Vicente
Stefanie Molin
Stefano Rivera
Freexian, Debian, Ubuntu
Jakub Tomasz Gnyp
University of Gdańsk
University of Georgia
Steven Silvester
Felipe Moreno
Bloomberg LP
Cheng H. Lee
Megan Sosey
Space Telescope Science Institute
Patrick Byers
Lucas Systems
Anaconda, Inc.
Ken Seehart
Game of Y
Elais Player
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Lili Andersson-Li
Karolinska Institutet
Callum Rollo
Voice of the Ocean Foundation
Paige Martin
NASA Transform to Open Science
Duncan Watts
University of Oslo
Leo Singer
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Pat Tressel
Elcano Project @elcano
Tyler Bonnell
Washington Start Department of Health
Sviatoslav Sydorenko (Святослав Сидоренко)
@Ansible Core Engineering Team @ @RedHatOfficial
Michael Chow
Michael Tso
Vishnunarayan K I
IIT Indore
Alasdair Wilson
University of Oxford
Stuart Mumford
Aperio Software
David Pérez-Suárez
Steven Christe
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Observatoire de Paris
Philipp A.
Maria Knorps
Lukas Heumos
@theislab @schillerlab @scverse @laminlabs
Andrew Nesbitt
@ecosyste-ms and @octobox
Sean Kelly
Sean Kelly Consulting
Gregor Sturm
Boehringer Ingelheim
William F. Broderick
Flatiron Institute
Joseph H Kennedy
Alaska Satellite Facility
Alice Patania
University of Vermont
Thomas Robiglio
Politecnico di Torino
Alice Schwarze
Dartmouth College
Giovanni Petri
Northeastern University London / CENTAI Institute
Iacopo Iacopini
Network Science Institute, Northeastern University London
Maxime Lucas
CENTAI Institute
Leo Torres
Himaghna Bhattacharjee
University of Delaware
Du Phan
Yvonne Fröhlich
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - Geophysical Institute
Joe McGlinchy
Michael Grund
SNP Innovation Lab
Max Jones
Dongdong Tian
China University of Geosciences
Isabel Zimmerman
Sultan Orazbayev
Jim Kitchen
Alexey Izmailov
{Ø,{Ø},{Ø,{Ø}}, ... }
Ricky Nilsson
Kerry McAdams
Thomas J. Fan
Mike Sarahan
Nick Murphy
Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian
P. L. Lim
Space Telescope Science Institute
James A. Fellows Yates
HKI Jena, MPI-EVA Leipzig
C.A.M. Gerlach
@hamma-dev @python @spyder-ide @star-fleet-tours
Anderson Bravalheri
University of Bristol
Sarah Kaiser
Juanita Gomez
UC, Santa Cruz
David Stansby
Mahe Iram Khan
Anaconda Inc.
Jeremy Paige
Barnabas Bulpett (He/Him)
Tiffany Xiao
Meer (Miriam) Williamson
Fred Hutch
Meenal Jhajharia
C. Titus Brown
University of California, Davis
Tom Russell
University of Oxford
James Munroe
Yannick Jadoul
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics & Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Tessa Rhinehart
University of Pittsburgh
Charles Le Losq
Institut de physique du globe de Paris
Romain Beucher
Soumith Chintala
Facebook AI Research
Leonardo de Oliveira Martins
Boas Pucker
Plant Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, Institute of Plant Biology, TU Braunschweig
Robert Guggenberger
Pascal Bourgault
Travis Logan
Benjamin Rodenberg
Technical University of Munich
Jannis Leidel
Matt Hall
Hugo van Kemenade
Nord Software
James Tocknell
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Macquarie University
James Mason
Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab
Ariel Rokem
The University of Washington eScience Institute
Erik Sundell
Sundell Open Source Consulting AB
Matthew Brett
London Interdisciplinary School
Steve Moss
Dr Stephen P. Moss
Ryan Abernathey
Earthmover PBC
Tom Augspurger
Ofek Lev
Ralf Gommers
Stefan van der Walt
University of California, Berkeley
Henry Schreiner
Princeton University
Juan Luis Cano Rodríguez
Pamphile Roy
Nicolas Palopoli
Universidad Nacional de Quilmes & MetaDocencia
Julius Busecke
Columbia/LDEO -- @ocean-transport
Álex Sáez
K. Arthur Endsley
University of Montana NTSG
Luna L. Sanchez Reyes
University of California, Merced
Pieter Jan Haest
De Watergroep
Stijn Van Hoey
Edgar Riba
Rohit Goswami
@Quansight-Labs, @TheochemUI
Sean Gillies
Mike Trizna
Smithsonian Institution
Joe Hamman
Carson Farmer
@textileio @tablelandnetwork
Paige Bailey
Jesse Mostipak
Max Joseph
Szymon Moliński
Jenny Palomino
Yuvi Panda
Lindsey Heagy
@simpeg, @geoscixyz, @ubcgif, @2i2c_org
Leonardo Uieda
University of Liverpool
Ivan Ogasawara
Pradyun Gedam
@bloomberg Python Infrastructure
Inessa Pawson
Chris Holdgraf
UC Berkeley
Neil Chue Hong
Carol Willing
Willing Consulting