Python code style for readability and usability#

What you will learn

  • Describe the benefits of using code standards.

  • Explain the PEP 8 style guide and how it helps promote code readability.

  • Describe key components of the PEP 8 style guide, including naming conventions and white space.

  • List tools to help you apply the PEP 8 style guide to your code.

Why code style and Python PEP 8 matters#

Just like good grammar makes text easier to read, PEP 8 helps make your code easier to understand. It enforces rules on naming variables, capitalization, formatting code, and structuring your script. Well-formatted code also makes it easier for you to share code, given it will be easier for others to understand.

#some data analysis with poor formatting
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime
def classify_precipitation(precip_list):
 if avg_precip<100:
 elif avg_precip>=100 and avg_precip<=150: return'Medium';

location year monthly_precipitation start_date precipitation_category
0 Station1 2021 [50.0, 70.0, 90.0, 80.0] 2021-01-01 Low
1 Station2 2021 [100.0, 110.0, 120.0, 130.0] 2021-01-01 Medium
2 Station3 2021 [150.0, 160.0, 170.0, 180.0] 2021-01-01 High
3 Station4 2021 [200.0, 210.0, 220.0, 230.0] 2021-01-01 High

Notice that by adding docstrings, spacing to the the code….

# Built-in libraries are imported first
from datetime import datetime
import pandas as pd

# Function to classify precipitation levels
def classify_precipitation(precip_list):
    """Classify average monthly precipitation into low, medium, or high.

    precip_list : list of float
        A list of monthly precipitation values (in mm).

        The precipitation category: 'Low', 'Medium', or 'High'.
    avg_precip = pd.Series(precip_list).mean()

    # Define the precipitation ranges
    if avg_precip < 100:
        return 'Low'
    elif 100 <= avg_precip <= 150:
        return 'Medium'
        return 'High'

# Sample data for precipitation values (in mm) for different locations
data = {
    'location': ['Station1', 'Station2', 'Station3', 'Station4'],
    'year': [2021, 2021, 2021, 2021],
    'monthly_precipitation': [
        [50.0, 70.0, 90.0, 80.0],  # Station1
        [100.0, 110.0, 120.0, 130.0],   # Station2
        [150.0, 160.0, 170.0, 180.0],   # Station3
        [200.0, 210.0, 220.0, 230.0]    # Station4
    'start_date': ["2021-01-01", "2021-01-01", "2021-01-01", "2021-01-01"]

df = pd.DataFrame(data)
df['start_date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['start_date'])

# Classify precipitation levels based on ranges
df['precipitation_category'] = df['monthly_precipitation'].apply(classify_precipitation)

location year monthly_precipitation start_date precipitation_category
0 Station1 2021 [50.0, 70.0, 90.0, 80.0] 2021-01-01 Low
1 Station2 2021 [100.0, 110.0, 120.0, 130.0] 2021-01-01 Medium
2 Station3 2021 [150.0, 160.0, 170.0, 180.0] 2021-01-01 High
3 Station4 2021 [200.0, 210.0, 220.0, 230.0] 2021-01-01 High

How to Apply PEP 8 Code Style Standards#

It may seem overwhelming to remember all the PEP 8 rules, but tools called code linters and formatters can identify and automatically apply these standards for you.

For .py Files#

Use popular tools like Black or Ruff:

  • Black: Automatically reformats code according to PEP 8.

  • Ruff: A linter and formatter that also supports import sorting with isort.

Both tools can be run manually or integrated into pre-commit hooks with Git to check your code before each commit. You can also configure them in your IDE (like VSCode, PyCharm, or Spyder) to format your code every time you save.


Ruff doesn’t fully support Jupyter/MyST markdown notebooks yet but can be integrated into a pre-commit workflow for GitHub repositories.

For Jupyter Notebooks#

For Jupyter Notebooks, try:

  • Notebook extensions: Add extensions to your interface to format cells automatically.

  • nbQA: A command-line tool that applies Black or Ruff to Jupyter Notebooks via the CLI.

Running These Tools#

These tools can be used in the following ways:

  • Manually: Run on-demand to check and format your code.

  • Pre-commit hook: Enforce code style checks before every commit.

  • IDE integration: Automatically format code in your editor.

Using these tools ensures your code remains consistent, readable, and compliant with PEP 8, without memorizing all the rules.

Linter vs. Code Formatter

  • Linter: Checks your code and highlights issues but doesn’t automatically fix them.

  • Code Formatter: Automatically reformats your code according to style rules.

Ruff acts as both a linter and formatter, making it ideal for .py file workflows.

Why use code standards when writing Python code#

Code standards make your code more readable and easier to maintain, just like writing conventions make text easier to read. Think about how we capitalize the first word of a sentence or add spaces between words—without those conventions, text would be hard to follow. Similarly, code with inconsistent formatting is difficult to understand and debug.

For example:

  • Readable sentence: This is a sentence.

  • Unformatted sentence: thisisasentence.withoutspacesitgetsconfusing.

Using code standards like PEP 8 helps avoid such confusion, making code clearer and more professional.

Some PEP 8 rules to remember#

There is a style guide devoted to Python PEP 8 standards that you can read here. However, below are a handful of PEP 8 Rules that you can consider following when writing code.

  • Naming Conventions: Use snake_case for variables/functions and CamelCase for class names.

# This is a class definition
class MyClass:
    """A class to process data and calculate statistics."""

    # This is a method 
    def calculate_average(self, data_list):
        """Calculate the average of a list of numbers."""
        total_sum = sum(data_list)
        count = len(data_list)
        return total_sum / count

# Call to create an object of a class
data_processor = DataProcessor()
numbers = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
# Examples of variable names and method call
average_value = data_processor.calculate_average(numbers)
## Example of function call
print(f"The average value is: {average_value}")
  • Line Length: Limit all lines to 79 characters for better readability.


Most text editors allow you to set up guides to see how long your code is. You can then use these guides to create line breaks in your code.

  • Comments: Add a space after the # sign and capitalize the first letter of a comment:

# This is a PEP 8 conforming comment

  • White Space: Add space between sections of code to improve readability.

  • Avoid using single-character letters that could be confused with numbers (ie the letter l looks similar to the number one 1

  • Add a blank line before a single-line comment (unless it is the first line of a cell in Jupyter Notebook or part of a code block)

a = 1 

# Here is a commment
b = 2 

  • Break up sections of code with white space: Breaking up your code becomes even more important when you start working in Jupyter Notebooks which offer individual cells where you can add Markdown and code.

# Process some data here 

# Plot data - notice how separating code into sections makes it easier to read
fig, ax = plot.subplots()

PEP 8 naming conventions#

See also

For the entire pep-8 style guide see: Python’s PEP 8 Style Guide.

Terminology Review

First, let’s review some terminology associated with naming conventions.

  • Lowercase letter: b

  • Uppercase letter: B

  • lowercase: this is all lowercase words

  • snake case: when words are separated by underscores: lower_case_with_underscores

  • Uppercase: All words are all uppercase letters: UPPERCASE

  • Snake case upper case: UPPER_CASE_WITH_UNDERSCORES

  • CamelCase: Every word is capitalized so they visually stand out: CapitalizedWords. This is sometimes also referred to as CapWords or StudlyCaps.

    • Note: When using acronyms in CamelCase, capitalize all the letters of the acronym. Thus HTTPServerError is better than HttpServerError.

  • mixedCase: (differs from CapitalizedWords by initial lowercase character!)

  • Capitalized_Words_With_Underscores: This approach is not recommended. Use one convention and stick with it.

Best practices for importing libraries#

Import Python libraries at the top of your code#

It’s good practice to import all required libraries at the top of your Python script or in the first cell of a Jupyter Notebook. This helps anyone understand what packages are needed to run your code. It also follows PEP 8 conventions.

Organize your imports into groups#

PEP 8 recommends organizing imports in the following order:

  1. Standard Library Imports: These built-in modules come with Python, such as os and glob. You can find the full list here.

  2. Third-Party Imports: Libraries that you install via pip, like numpy and pandas.

  3. Local Imports: Code or modules specific to your project.

Here’s an example following PEP 8 conventions:

import os
import glob

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from my_module import my_function

Why organize imports?#

Organizing your imports this way ensures your code is readable and follows widely accepted practices. Importing libraries at the top also makes it easier to scan for a specific library, debug dependencies, and see which dependencies are required to run the code.