--- jupytext: text_representation: extension: .md format_name: myst format_version: 0.13 jupytext_version: 1.16.4 kernelspec: display_name: Python 3 (ipykernel) language: python name: python3 --- (run-package)= # How to Execute a Python Package In [How to Execute a Python Script](./execute-script) you learned about two primary ways to execute a stand-alone Python script. There are two other ways to execute Python code from the command line, both of which work for code that has been formatted as a package. 1. You can [**execute modules**](executable-modules) using their import name 2. You can [**execute packages**](executable-packages) using a `__main__.py` file 3. You can [**execute functions**](named-commands) named commands using project scripts (executable-modules)= ## 1. Executable modules In the [Pass your script to the Python command lesson](execute-script-pass-to-python) you learned that the `python` command can be passed a file path for execution. Alternatively you can also pass the name of a module, exactly as would be used after an `import`. In this case, Python will look up the module referenced in the [currently active environment](https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/guides/installing-using-pip-and-virtual-environments/#create-and-use-virtual-environments), and will execute it as a script. This execution mode is performed with the `-m` flag, as in `python -m site`. It can be used in place of a file path, but cannot be used in combination with a path, as there can only be one executing module. :::{tip} These commands both do the same thing, but the latter is easier to remember and much more portable, as it doesn't rely on the local machine's file system details. ```bash python ./.venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/pip/__main__.py ``` ```bash python -m pip ``` ::: ### Further exploration On your own or in small groups: * Install the `my_program.py` module from the [last lesson](execute-script-launch-command) * Try to get the same greeting as before using `python -m my_program`. **my_program.py** which prints out `✨ Hello from Python ✨` when executed as a script. ```python #!/usr/bin/env python def shiny_hello(): print("\N{Sparkles} Hello from Python \N{Sparkles}") if __name__ == "__main__": shiny_hello() ``` (executable-packages)= ## 2. Executable packages The `-m` flag as described above only works for Python modules (files), but does not work for Python (sub-)packages (directories). This means that you cannot execute a command using only the name of your package when it is structured to use directories Once your package grows, the top-level name `my_program` turns into a directory. (See [Python Package Structure](https://www.pyopensci.org/python-package-guide/package-structure-code/python-package-structure.html) for when and how to create a package structure). ``` project/ └── src/ └── my_program/ ├── __init__.py └── greeting/ ├── __init__.py └── hello.py ``` However, the directory is not executable. ```bash python -m my_program python: No module named my_program.__main__; 'my_program' is a package and cannot be directly executed ``` Initially, Python seems to tell you that the directory names, including your top-level package name, cannot be directly executed. But the error message contains the hint that you need to make this run properly. [Earlier you learned](execute-script-name-eq-main) that `if __name__ == "__main__":` can protect parts of your Python file from executing when it is imported, making that conditional change the file's behavior when used as a script vs when used as a module. There is a very similar concept that can be applied to Python directories. You may already know that a directory that contains an [`__init__.py` module](https://www.pyopensci.org/python-package-guide/tutorials/installable-code.html#what-is-an-init-py-file) becomes a valid `import` target and that whenever the directory is imported, the code in the `__init__.py` is executed. There is another special file Python directories can contain: [`__main__.py` module](https://docs.python.org/3/library/__main__.html#module-__main__). Any package that contains a `__main__.py` can be execued with `python -m` exactly like a Python module. When a Python package (directory) is executed, the code in `__main__.py` is executed, as if it was the target of the `-m`. In this way a Python directory can segment its import behaviour from its command behaviour by using both `__init__.py` and `__main__.py` in a very similar way to how a Python file segments this behaviour using `if __name__ == "__main__":`. If we add to the earlier package structure, we can make the original execution command work. ``` project/ └── src/ └── my_program/ <-- directories with init and main can be imported or executed ├── __init__.py ├── __main__.py └── greeting/ <-- directories with init an no main can be imported but not executed ├── __init__.py └── hello.py ``` ```python # project/src/my_program/__main__.py from .greeting.hello import shiny_hello shiny_hello() ``` ```bash python -m my_program # ✨ Hello from Python ✨ ``` :::{note} The `__main__.py` file typically doesn't have an `if __name__ == "__main__":` conditional in it, as its execution is already separated out from the rest of the package. ::: ### Further exploration - Try to separate `my_program` into a package containing two files, including one `__main__.py` - Try to get `python -m my_program` to work as before - Does importing `my_program` still work [as before the separation](execute-script-name-eq-main)? ```python import my_program def guess_my_number(): my_program.shiny_hello() print("Was your number 42?") guess_my_number() # ✨ Hello from Python ✨ # Was your number 42? ``` :::{attention} Don't forget to (re)install your package after creating this file! Unless you used an [editable install](https://www.pyopensci.org/python-package-guide/tutorials/installable-code.html#step-5-install-your-package-locally) any additional files or changes you make won't be picked up by Python. ::: (named-commands)= ## 3. Named Commands The final way to make Python code executable directly from the command line is to include a special [entrypoint](https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/specifications/entry-points/) into the package metadata. Entrypoints are a general purpose plug-in system for Python packages, but the [`console_scripts`](https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/specifications/entry-points/#use-for-scripts) entry is specifically targeted at creating executable commands on systems that install the package. These entrypoints and their commands are configured in your project's [`pyproject.toml`](https://www.pyopensci.org/python-package-guide/tutorials/pyproject-toml.html#what-is-a-pyproject-toml-file) file in the [`[project.scripts]`](https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/guides/writing-pyproject-toml/#creating-executable-scripts) table. ```toml [project.scripts] shiny = "my_program.greetings.hello:shiny_hello" ``` In the above example `shiny` is the name of the command that will be made available in the shell after installation, `my_program.greetings.hello` is the path of import required to access the necessary function (which may contain `.subpackage` parts, depending on how you structured your package), and `:shiny_hello` is the function (proceeded with `:`) that will be called, **without arguments**. A script target of `"my_program.greetings.hello:shiny_hello"` is logically equivilant to ```python import my_program.greetings.hello my_program.greetings.hello.shiny_hello() ``` If this package was installed, the command would be made avalible in your shell ```bash shiny # ✨ Hello from Python ✨ ``` ### Further exploration On your own or in small groups: - List some advantages of making a Python package executable over providing a script entry point. - List some disadvantages of making a Python package executable over providing a script entry point. - Review the Pros section from [How to Execute a Python Script](execute-script-comparison) - Do you see any similarities between executable packages and executable script files? - Do you notice any similarities between entrypoint scripts and executable script files?