# pyOpenSci Executive Council Minutes 2024 ## 2024-05-13 Executive Council Meeting Minutes Present on 13 May 2024 Karen Cranston, Tracy Teal, Leah Wasser Apologies None ### Minutes for agenda items * Update on package peer review * 17 packages in active review * Things are generally going well, but we might need to do something to expand capacity. * Update on training and events * First workshop went well, lots of good feedback; some technical issues that are now solved * Working to identify topic(s) for next workshop with this format * At scale training event in August that will run on Discord * Open source / open science event in Sept / Oct using gather, branded “Fall Festival”; paid event, looking for sponsors * Created strategy for sharing meeting notes publicly. * Tracy will create meeting minutes from meeting notes, share for review and approval from Karen. * We’ll publish the approved meeting minutes in the governance section of the handbook. * pyOpenSci will begin to create an annual report each year. * We’ll start with a report for 2023, beginning to draft in July. * The report will be an interesting-to-read brief overview of the organization and its activities for the year.