Create your first Python package: make your Python code easier to share and use
- What: A hands-on workshop, titled: Create Your First Python Package: Make Your Python Code Easier to Share and Use
- Where: SciPy 2024, Ballroom B/C
- When: Tuesday, July 9th, 2024, from 13:30–17:30 Pacific
- Resources:
Event overview
How to enroll

If you’re interested in participating in our first paid, online, real-time training, sign up for our upcoming workshop: “From Python Code to Module”. This three hour course is intended for individuals who have experience writing Python code and Python functions, and will be taught by pyOpenSci’s Executive Director and founder, Leah Wasser. Leah has over 20 years of experience teaching data-intensive science with an emphasis helping scientists work through the pain points of working with different types of data, and puts an incredible amount of care and attention into ensuring each learner is successful in their educational goals. This is definitely a workshop you don’t want to miss!
In this workshop, Leah will cover:
- How to identify and explain the use of the basic components of a Python package: (a specific directory structure, an file, a pyroject.toml file and some code).
- Creating a basic python package that allows you to install your code into a local Python environment.
- Installing your package in editable mode into a Python environment.
She will also briefly discuss how LLM’s can be used to support tasks such as documenting and formatting your code to improve usability and maintainability. While also considering the ethical and logistical challenges, pitfalls and concerns associated with using AI-based tools in software development.
The course will take place on Thursday, April 25th, from 10AM–1PM Mountain time, and use the Spatial Chat platform. Tickets are $10, and can be purchased on the workshop’s Eventbrite page. The class size is capped at 35, and tickets are selling fast–we hope to see you there!
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