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Peer review of Python software to support open science

Light purple image that says software Peer Review. On the image is a woman at a laptop with a pyOpenSci logo on it and a cup of coffee next to her. There is a very light flower in the bottom right hand corner.

We Run Software Peer Review

We review Python packages and software with the goal of helping scientists build better, discoverable and usable software.

Your package can also be published in JOSS through our review process.
Submit a package today for review today.
Apply to become a reviewer.

Light purple image with a bunch from different backgrounds of stick figure people in a slightly darker color. The text on the image at the top says Community Partnerships

We Build Community Partnerships

We partner with open source communities to share resources and processes such as Peer review.

Learn more about our partnerships with:

Light purple image that says python packaging guide and below it says simplifying python packaging. The background is a grey laptop with a hand looking down at the laptop the above.

We Break Down Python Packaging Painpoints

Check out our beginner-friendly:
Python Package Tutorials
Python package guide

All of our resources are co-developed with the broader Python community and reviewed by beginner to expert Pythonistas to ensure the material is accessible for all.

Broadening participation in scientific open source

Image showing 3 people working at 2 computers during a spring at pyCon USA 2023.

You don't need to be an expert to get involved

Are you new to software peer review but you want to get involved? We've got you! We offer support and mentorship to new reviewers completing their first review. All reviewers don't need to be python package experts. We welcome reviewers that focus on software accessibility and usability.

Are you new to peer review? We offer a mentorship program for anyone interested in participating in peer review but who might like a bit of support.

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